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Approved By ICMR & GOVT. Of India Currently Available In Delhi-NCR , PUNE, MUMBAI & NAVI MUMBAI Mandatory Requirements 1. It is mandatory for the suspect patient to Show the…

Multislice Computed Tomography in Congenital Heart Disease (CT)


CAs in the case of MRI, CT achieves images with high temporal and spatial resolution, which makes it an ideal technique for studying the morphology of vessels, their walls, surgical…

Computed Tomography (CT): what is it for, advantages and disadvantages


Computed tomography, or CT, is an imaging test that uses X-rays to generate images of the body that are processed by a computer, which may be the bones, organs, or…

What are the benefits of CT scans?


Computed tomography (CT or CAT scan) ranks among the top five medical developments of the last 50 years, according to most medical surveys. CT has proven to be such a…

Human Connectome Project, the search for information and data about the brain


In the 20th century, one of the most relevant scientific milestones was to find the complete sequence of DNA, called the “human genome”, and currently, the scientific community is directing…

Fetal MRI for Prenatal Diagnosis


Fetal MRI is an imaging procedure that makes it possible to generate an image of the inside of the body and see the fetus. This is a harmless and safe…

Digestive diseases affect a large part of the population


Diseases related to the digestive system are very common and technology now has less invasive diagnoses and more successful treatments for patients. Almost half of the population has or has…

Brain MRI as a Research Tool


What is an MRI brain scanner and how does it work? The MRI scanner is basically a piece of equipment that studies the magnetic properties of tissues. Each tissue has…

What is an angiography or arteriography?


What is an angiogram? Angiography or arteriography (means the same) is a diagnostic radiological test to obtain very precise information on the state of your arteries (blood vessels) . Angiography can be used…

Bone Densitometry Test (DEXA / DXA)


A bone density scan, also known as a DEXA test, is a type of low-dose  X-ray ( radio diagnostic test ) that measures calcium and other minerals  in the bones. The measurement shows the strength and…

Everything you Need To Know About Bone X-Rays


X-rays, or radiography, of bones use a veritably small cure of ionizing radiation to produce images of every bone in the body. It’s generally used to diagnose shattered bones or…